The Eye's Speech –or was it the I Speech?
An exhibition composed by a one-channel video, a curtain and an installation of spectrums, shadows and reflections, 2019
The Eye's Speech –or was it the I Speech? is an exercise of counter-vision with the eyelid lowered. A narrative that sneaks into the thoughts of a tired eye, which, in its unproductive moments, opens its mouth and mumbles about its visions of the world. Oscillating between the western legacy of authoritarian clairvoyance and the repressed yearning of hallucinating without images, the cyclop seems to contradict itself.
Video, stereo, 17:15 min.
Voice: Eulàlia Rovira
Voice recording and editing: Daniel Moreno Roldán
Animation: Guillermo Daldovo - Malevo
Tubular iron bars, fabric.
Table, mirrors, glass, optic glass, polished obsidian, LED lights, torches, laser light, PVC, foam.
Curated by Juan Canela within the exhibition series Una fuerza vulnerable.