Un cos exaltat governa una ment residual
An exalted body governs a residual mind
20 min

The speaking body moves between a vertical and a horizonal position while the genre of its narrative changes accordingly, suspicious of the Cartesian mind-body, or life-death, dualism. The performance took place in two locations: in a medieval cloister, next to a decapitated tomb representing the sleeping body of the deceased, and in the warehouse of an archaeology museum, next to a funerary urn containing the ashes of an incinerated body.

The text starts like this:...The Emperor Pertinax is dead. His body is laid out horizontally in the best vestments. But the smell of wax is overpowering. Cracks have started to appear in his neck, like flaking dry paint...

Photo credit: Ketevan Gvinepadze
The performance was conceived for the exhibition 'El 85% de la matèria', curated by Caterina Almirall in Centre d'Art Maristany, Sant Cugat. Secondly it was shown in M|A|C Mataró.