La part sombre
The Dark Part
Group of works comprised of three videos, three photographs, a text work and a publication
A project with Adrian Schindler
Produced in the frame of a residency at Bibracte, Centre archéologique européen.
The dark part
When you light this rock it burns like wood
A lamp illuminates a lamp that

Walking in the dark with others

The different works which constitute La part sombre follow some events at the margin of the canonical petrol narrative that have contributed to the current ecological shift, and take as a paradigm the change in shape and state of the oil shale, a hydrocarbon-rich black sedimentary rock. Considering it as a score and a recording surface where natural processes and human activities are inscribed – from the fossilization of the Permian fauna and flora (250 Ma) to the industrial exploitation of fossil fuels, passing through the Gallic and Roman architecture – the works question our ambiguous relationship to energy and the mineral world and give voice to the deaf mutation of ancient organisms, to mythological divinities and to the still unknown language of high-tech machines that begin to occupy the subsoil.

Photo credit: Antoine Maillier (3,4,6)
Adrian Schindler and Eulàlia Rovira (1,2,5).