La Llaga
The Sore

Collage of textual quotes and photographs, 2021
The Pearl and The Sore works emerged from research into the regeneration of Barcelona’s densely populated El Raval neighbourhood and the demolition and construction in the early 1990s that led to Richard Meier’s emblematic MACBA building. Collages of found texts and photographs counterpose the tumultuous excavation of the Plaça dels Àngels and the destruction of part of the Casa de la Caritat with the sober modern architecture of the almost complete museum interior.

(Text by Latitudes, Max Andrews and Mariana Cánepa Luna)

Texts: Prudenci Bertrana, Marina de Castarlenas, Lluís Companys, Le Corbusier, Rafael Duyos, GATCPAC, Rossend Llurba, Pasqual Maragall, Richard Meier, Terenci Moix, Pere Felip Monlau, Rafael Nogueras Oller, Augusto Paquer, Manuel Vázquez Montalbán and Ajuntament de Barcelona.

Images: Lluís Casals, Julio Cunill and COMSA Corporación de Infraestructuras, S.L.

Images 1-6: Eulàlia Rovira
Photo 7-9: Roberto Ruiz